United States Army Lieutenant, Mark Porter is currently on a mission to Roswell, New Mexico. His focus is keen as he traveled alone, listening to musical instrumentals. As he drove, his cell phone rings and he answers it.

“Lieutenant Porter.” he said.

“Porter, this is General Dunlap.” the caller said. “How far are you from the site?”

“I’m looking at it as we speak.” Porter said.

Porter drove to the entrance gate, where two soldiers stood. They opened the gate , permitting him entry. Porter recognized the location, while still speaking with the General on the phone.

“General, I must ask, what is this place?”

“This is Area 51.”

“Area 51.” Porter intrigued. “I never thought I would be here.”

“See you inside, Porter.”

Porter hung up the phone, entering into the front entrance of the buildings. Area 51 had the appearance of a small city, with dozens of soldiers and officials moving throughout. Most of which are military soldiers and scientists. Porter stepped out of the car, heading towards the front doors layered with bulletproof glass. He entered, being greeted by soldiers. Porter took a left turn toward the elevator. Inside the elevator were two scientists.

“Excuse me, but are you Mark Porter?” one scientist asked.

“Yes I am.”

“Its an honor to meet such a well-known Lieutenant.” the other scientist said.

“Thank you.”

The elevator had reached its destination floor. Porter is the first one to walk out, only to avoid the two scientists. Porter walked down a hallway and in the distance, he saw General Dunlap. Porter begins walking toward him. General Dunlap saw Porter coming down the hall near him.

“Porter, right on schedule.”

“Yes sir, General.”

Porter and General Dunlap entered another room. As they walked, Dunlap began telling Porter a few details to the secret operations being held within the facility. Porter took a guess to what it may be with only Dunlap smirking without saying a word.

“Porter, there are some rules that you must obey, since you’re here.”

“Ok, General. What are they?”

“You must not tell a single soul what you’re about to see in this next room.” Dunlap said. “If you do, we will have no choice but to rid you of the world.”

“I see. Must be something very important.”

“Important?” Dunlap said. “Try highly secretive. If anyone found out about this, the world will turn for the worst.”

They reached the room and the metal door slowly slides open. The room was surrounded with military security. Little light was emitted into the room as the rest was covered in darkness. Porter gazed around, seeing scientists doing autopsies on unknown beings.

“General, what is going on here?” Porter asked.

“I’ll tell you once we’ve reached our location.”

Passing through the security, walking into yet another room. This room was lit up with plenty of light and wasn’t nearly as shrouded in darkness like the other. Inside the room is a long table with a device sitting in the middle. Porter and Dunlap approached the table, looking at the device.

“Porter, this device you see here is able to transfer beings, human or not, to other worlds.”

“Other worlds? Like planets?“

“Yes. Perhaps even dimensions are a possibility. Testing will only reveal how soon.”

“How is that possible?” Porter asked. “Has it been tested?”

“Not yet. We’re still awaiting an answer from the President.”

They walked around the table, looking from all angles. The device was shiny, projecting a blue light which directed into the air. Porter slowly held his hand over the device before Dunlap snatched it from getting closer.

“You don’t want to do something that you’ll regret.”

“Sorry, sir.”

As they stood looking at the device, an alarm goes off. Porter and Dunlap look around. Dunlap ran toward the doors, questioning the security as to what triggered the alarm.

“What the hell’s going on?!” Dunlap yelled.

“The base, sir, its under attack!” a soldier yelled.

“Porter, stay where you are!”

He pulled out his pistol, looking outside the door. From the outside, he saw soldiers and scientists being attacked by an unknown force. The opposing force appeared to have tentacles, while wearing peculiar white robes with long white hair extending to their lower back. Dunlap glared out of the glass window of the door, staring at them, watching them kill the soldiers and scientists. Gunshots are heard from the outside, but they’re dying left and right.

Porter approached toward the door, but is stopped by Dunlap, who commanded Porter to stay by the table.

“General, what’s going on?!”

“Sit tight, Lieutenant!” Dunlap said. “We’re in for a show.”

Dunlap backed from the door as it bursts open. He began shooting at the beings, but the gunshots have no effect. Porter takes out his revolver and shoots one of the beings in the head, which kills it. Dunlap looks at Porter, astounded.

“Try that, General.”

“I surely will.”

They both begin shooting the beings that are coming into the room through the damaged door. They aim for the head and shoot them directly there. They’ve killed the beings and look at each other. Both astounded and calm.

“Good job, Lieutenant.”

“Same to you, General.”

They shook hands, but from the ceiling a bright light shines down on them and Porter pushes Dunlap out of the way and a loud bang is heard with a large flash of light, nearly blinding Dunlap. The light fades away and Dunlap looks around for Porter.

“Porter?” Dunlap spoke. “Porter?!”

Dunlap looks around and realizes that Porter is nowhere in sight, but he also realized that the device’s light is now dim, which before it was bright. He now knows that someone has happened to Porter.

Porter, who’s opening his eyes, realizes that he’s in a desert. He looks and stands up, brushing the dirt off of his uniform. He walks around the area, looking around at it surroundings.

“Where the hell am I?”