As astrologists and astronomers continued their research pertaining to other living beings throughout the universe, Vance Harlan, a man specialized in the scientific community of interstellar space proposed a plan. His plan–to travel into the stars through a wormhole, hoping to come out into another galaxy filled with life. Vance pleaded his plans and works to many other scientists. All of whom rejected. Vance even went as far as to proceed with funding fro his own ship to travel into space. Backers were not impressed. Stating Vance was living in a fantasyland hoping to collude with alien beings.

During one meeting with the Department of Defense, Vance entered the room, brushing his blonde hair before seeing it was cornered by guards. He nodded with cockiness as he was unimpressed by their sheer attempt of intimidation. Vance stepped forward, sitting down at the desk with four members of the Department.

“I see you have my files.” Vance said, seeing an open folder. “Well, did you read it? Or glance through it?’

“Mr. Harlan, we went over your works. Every bit of it.”

“Every bit. Including the footnotes regarding the amount of energy needed to supply such a travel?”

The Officials sat still and Vance nodded slowly.

“I guess you did. Now I’m impressed.”

“What we decided is that we cannot give you the funding for such a proposal.”

“Why not? You read the file. You saw the details of this kind of mission. You know it’s possible.”

“Yes. We do.” The second official said. “However, events prior to this mission have reverted our attentions elsewhere.”

“Elsewhere? Like what the oceans?”

“This talk of alien life has gotten the public too far into our affairs and we, don’t like that fact.”

“But, come on. It’s aliens. An opportunity to speak with intelligent life outside of our own planet.”

“We hear you.”

“But?’ Vance said with a quick sigh of breath.

“We’re invested in or current public affairs. The funding must go there.”

“I don’t agree with this.”

“Doesn’t matter if you do or do not.” The third official said. “The decision has been made regardless of your work.”

Vance wiped his face and slanted his head. He clapped his hands, startling the officials and jolting the guards. Vance looked around at he guards, seeing their firearms slightly raised. He waved them off with a laugh.

“Even they get startled.”

“Thank you for your time with us, Mr. Harlan. You may go.”

“I do however have one question to ask you. Just one.”

“What is it?” The first official said.

“What is the true reason you have denied me funding for this project?”

The first official sighed before gazing over to the other three. The second official shook his head, staying silent. The third official fanned his hands in the air and didn’t give an answer. The fourth official stared at Vance and turned to the first official. Giving him a nod. Vance’s eyes moved back and forth between the for officials.

“So, is he going to tell me or are you? I’m confused right now with all this staring and waving.”

“I will speak it for you.” The fourth official said.

“Good.” Vance replied. “That’s good. Now, what is it?”

“There was an incident that occurred over a month ago in Nevada.”

“Nevada. Ok. I’m still not getting at what you’re trying to tell me.”

“An incident of forceful attacks took place at Area 51. One of our lieutenants went missing in the light of fire after the base was ambushed. He was unable to be found and is still missing.”

“I see. But, with all due respect, what does a missing lieutenant have to do with my project’s funding?”

“The cause of the attack were those intelligent beings you’re so amazed by. They ambushed the base and attacked our men. Killed many and one of our best lieutenants is nowhere to be found. Now, do you understand why we cannot permit this project to go forward? Because those things you desire to meet, they want us all dead and this world theirs.”

“Well, maybe they were antagonistic aliens. I mean all aliens cannot be enemies, sir. That’s just not possible.”

“Either way. This project is not going forward. You may leave us now, Mr. Harlan. Return to your other work. It’s proven useful for our country and your life.”

Vance stood up from the desk, grabbing his file. He still continued speaking with the officials, pleading they give him the funding. The officials continued to refuse until the guards stepped down from their post and surrounded Vance. Fully realizing his current predicament, Vance nodded and chuckled before taking his leave. Vance had returned to his home and from here, he set for to find a way to get his project going without the funding from the Department. Working nonstop for months while living in the outskirts of Phoenix, Arizona looking for an opportunity, Vance had come into communication with a much-wealthy foreign billionaire. The billionaire did not give Vance his name or location, only that he was interested in Vance’s work and handed him the funding he needed. The billionaire’s only request was for Vance to return to Earth once he had come into contact with extraterrestrials and that he should bring back with him physical evidence of their existence. Vance agreed to the commands and went ahead with the project. From there, a starship was built under the eyes of his colleagues and associates. Vance kept the project’s workings to himself to avoid scrutiny and possible arrest from the government.

“Ah.” Vance said, gazing at the starship. “She is finished.”

The starship sat inside one of the hangars Vance had acquired from the military due to his previous works. Everything was in place for the travel and Vance had decided to wait until one clear night had come to make his launch. A week had passed and there was no clear sky due to the amount of clouds and precipitations of rainfall. Vance was annoyed by the weather’s behavior. As if it was acting aggressive toward him, trying to get him to quit his project. Vance didn’t quit and after a long day of rain, the night had come and the sky was clear. Vance had gathered all his gear and placed it inside the starship. The hangar had opened and the starship had launched into the sky. Vance was astonished at the speed of the ship and the stars around him. Several minutes had passed before Vance found himself in space, glancing out of the window looking down at Earth. Using a map he had placed inside the ship to navigate his goings. He went ahead and traveled. Passing through a stream of asteroids, a flash of light peaked through them, gaining Vance’s attention. He moved toward through the meters toward the moving light. Once he came closer, the light flashed with such brightness that it caused the ship to jolt and from there, Vance could feel himself being pulled into the light and the ship with him. Vance kept his eyes shut from the blinding white-then-blue-then-red light. In a short spot of chance, Vance took a peek and saw the light was in fact a wormhole. A smile had formed on his face as he and the ship were sucked in and the light was gone. As if it was nowhere to be found. Like it was never in the stream of asteroids.

Within seconds, the ship was forced out of the wormhole with such speed, the ship had crashed onto a planet. Vance was calm, yet angry of his ship’s damage. Exiting the damaged ship. Vance looked around, realizing he could breathe in the air. He looked down, seeing soil and grass. He grabbed the dirt and looked closer. It appeared to be no different than the soil on Earth.

“Shit!” Vance said. “Crashed back down to Earth.”

While sighing in anger, the sound of a rushing wave crashed behind him. Vance had turned, looking at what he cold tell was a shoreline and the waves were crashing in with such force the ground had not flooded. Confused, he took a glance up to the sky and noticed it was a strange color. Not like the blue sky of Earth, but a very light greenish sky mixed with a layer of blue.

“What the hell?”

Vance had turned around to find himself quickly surrounded by beings that appeared to be hybrids. They had the upper bodies of animals and lower bodies of humans. They held what Vance could perceived to be guns toward him as he held his arms up. Somewhat shaking in fear. Not from the guns. One of the hybrids that appeared to be a Leopard-Man stepped forward, measuring Vance. He nodded.

“Take him back to the ship!”

“Ship?!” Vance said. “What ship?!”